Intervention Program

  1. To provide the energy needed for the tissue building, repair, and maintenance of the body.
  2. Acts as stimulants for improving Physical & Mental health & Wellness.
  3. Acts as medicine for all the illness.

I. Nutritional Workshop – By Nutritionologist once in 3 months

Aims at acquiring knowledge on

  • Diet & dietary habits.
  • Divergent variety of food,
  • Nutritional components,
  • Nutritional values,
  • Medicinal & other benefits

With a focus on prevention & reversal of disease & disorders

II. Stress measurement Test: Quantification of the effects of stressful events & controllability in terms of life change events

Report: Scores, Stress level & Control index -Clinical Psychologist



Intervention Program:

  • The work efficiency, productivity of a person is dependent on mental wellbeing In addition to good physical health.
  • Mental distress is one of the major cause of immunological & psychosomatic diseases.

III. Mind workshop on managing anxiety, emotions, developing positive attitudes, overcoming depression – By Clinical Psychologist.

-Intervention programs for prevention or reversal of disease and disorders through various techniques such as

  • Stress Management in Executive Training (SMET)
  • Relaxation,
  • Visualization,
  • Breathing, or
  • Meditation
  • Psychotherapy